Our Purpose

To promote the welfare and operate in the best interests of the Island of Chappaquiddick and of those who make it their permanent or seasonal home. 

To preserve the beauty and charm of the island, and to maintain its ecological and environmental character by directing progress into channels which will retain its uniqueness without causing hardships to its residents. 

The association shall be a non-profit corporation organized and existiing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The Association, through its officers and directors will take any and all action deemed necessary and proper to obtain and maintain the not for profit status of the Association.

Please note that the Chappaquiddick Island Association is not a 501c-3.

For information on our guiding master plan for the Island, please refer to our 2001 Master Planning Objectives Report:


CURRENt Board of directors

  • President: Pete Taft

  • Vice President/Treasurer: Sam Fuller 

  • Secretary: Ginny Murray

  • Board Members: Jim Boyer, Patricia Floyd, Ed Pla, Carmin Reiss, Diana Slater

special issue committees

Open Space

The Open Space Committee (OSC) of the Chappaquiddick Island Association works with the MV Land Bank Commission and the Sheriffs Meadow Foundation to conserve and protect the unique natural areas, rich ecological habitats, public walking trails and scenic vistas of Chappaquiddick. Thanks to the inspiring generosity of Chappaquiddick residents and the far-sightedness of families who include Chappy in their estate planning, we have been able to permanently protect hundreds of acres of Chappy land for future generations.

The OSC raises money to fund land purchases through the Chappy Fund. This revolving fund is managed through the generosity of Sheriffs Meadow Foundation who does not charge the OSC any fees for the fiscal agent services they provide. 100% of the donations we receive are used to purchase land. Tax-deductible contributions designated for the Chappy Fund may be made through their website:  http://sheriffsmeadow.org/ or by check to: Sheriffs Meadow Foundation Chappy Fund, PO Box 1088, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568.

Inquiries please contact:

Chairperson: Cynthia Hubbard (ChappyOpenSpace@gmail.com)

Committee Members: Meghan Getsinger Codega, Karen Langford, Steve Kanes, Joan Adibi

Water Resources

The CIA Water Resources Committee is working hard to protect Chappaquiddick's pure and clean groundwater and its salt water ponds and harbors.  

If you are interested in getting your water tested please contact John Dropick.


Since its inception a little under two years ago, the CIA's Environmental Committee has tackled an extraordinary number and range of issues focused on preserving the well-being of the island we love.

  • We’ve created a comprehensive approach to the fight against ticks, engaging with experts, developing communications, organizing preventive measures (including an island-wide deer cull), even distributing “tick-free” socks! Thanks to Alan Feldman and his team for their continued and expanding efforts. 

  • Under the leadership of Bruce Fowle, the committee organized four highly successful “Zoom” sessions on a variety of topics related to the impacts of climate change on Chappy and the risks resulting from sea-level rise.  We are currently establishing guidelines based on the lessons learned from these talks while expanding the list of resources to facilitate access to critical information. Simultaneously, we are planning an island-wide communications campaign to drive home the importance of mitigation and adaptation and encourage volunteering for activating a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to ensure out safety in a major weather event.

  • Members of the committee participated in the Edgartown’s MVP Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment project meetings and were proactive in the Selectmen’s decision to place the ferry on the “shortlist” for infrastructure funding. Once the final assessment report is completed, the committee will work with Chappy’s ad hoc Ferry Task Force to help guide the development of a viable long-term solution


The CIA Transportation Committee is working hard to address Chappy property owner's concerns about the island's traffic safety, roads, and ferry operation. We are presently working with the Town of Edgartown's Highway Department to reconfigure the Chappy Ferry Point parking area.  

Learn more about the history of Chappy Island

Now Chappy lovers can read about the island's history. A second edition of Chappaquiddick, That Sometimes Separated But Never Equalled Island is available now for purchase. Thanks to Hatsy Potter for completing the latest edit. 

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book, please email Ashley Harmon for more information.